Monday, September 21, 2009

I Can't Believe I Did It

Not that I'm technologically challenged or anything, but I really didn't think doing this blog thing would be so easy. Thank you, blog people who invented this! So, here I am. Now what? Oh yeah, this is to keep all our family and friends updated on our journey to England. In case you haven't heard, 2 Papa and I have been invited to England this fall. No, it's not an invitation by the queen or anything that fancy; it's that we were invited to share our limited knowledge of things we know with the students at Oxford University. I have to admit, it's all looking a little scary right now. After all, it's been many years since we went to college and, I'm sure 2 papa took it all in stride back then, I was plenty scared. I know, I'm older and wiser, but some things never change. For me, it's mostly about what's left behind. Oh, I love the idea of adventure, but there's always the adventure at home I hate to leave. I think I'll name a few: 1. Sadie, our 12 year old granddaughter, coming over every day for a fruit smoothie. (Yea! I'm trying my hardest to get them all to eat healthier.) 2. John Luke's junior high football games and anything else he does. (Go, John Luke, Go!! I'm a proud 2-mama. Can you tell?) 3. Asa, nine year old grandson, sleeping on my couch. 4. Bella and Aslyn, both 7, picking my flowers and then selling them to 2-papa. (Quite the business ladies, don't you think.) 5. Almost eight year old, Will, and his amazing smile. (Girls, get ready for this young man.) 6. Aevin's incredible hugs. There's nothing better than a hug from five-year-old Aevin. 7. Phone calls any time of the day from Macy, Ally, and Maddox. (They live in another town, but managed to find me when I was in the Dominican on a mission trip, so England should be a breeze. Keep the phone calls coming, kids.) 8. My incredible church family who I know will keep us in their prayers while we're gone. 9. My kids, the parents of my adorable grand kids, and all the things they have going on in their lives. All the rest of my family--mom, sisters, brothers! 10. Tennis. (I know. This one isn't that admirable, but it's true. I'm too old to sit out of tennis for long. Maybe I should buy a Wii while I'm over there and swing away.) Yep, Forest Gump was right. Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get. We sure never thought we would be going to England this fall, but I am quite confident that God isn't surprised at all. He knows what we're leaving behind and knows what awaits us. This is God's Word on the subject, taken from Jeremiah 29:11 in the Message: "I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." I didn't know that scripture like I do now when I left for college in 1971. I wish I had. Tonight 2 papa said he is so excited about the trip and that we can act like we've just met and started a new journey. I said that would be fun except it's hard to forget 38 years and I don't think I want to. Later, he agreed. It's the 38 years we shared together that make this adventure so exciting! Let the packing begin.


  1. So fun! I loved reading this and can't wait to read about your adventures in England. We'll miss you, things won't be the same without you, but we'll survive. Have a blast! LOVE YOU!

  2. Looking forward to reading about your European adventures. Will be praying for you both!
