Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day Fifty-four Sunday Day

Sunday in Oxford was—surprise, surprise—rainy and cold. My battle with my cute Vera Bradley umbrella is just about over. Two spokes (I guess they’re called spokes) broke today and now I have one floppy side trying to fight the blustery weather conditions. I’m still holding out though--with less than two weeks to go maybe I’ll make it.
In spite of the weather, we had a great day beginning with worship at St. Ebbes. This is the same church we have attended before and we really enjoy the singing and the rector. He preached in Luke today and did an excellent job. The church is Anglican, but is not as you imagine Anglican to be. If you didn’t know it’s origin you would think it was Southern Baptist. They have a very strong evangelistic outreach. We are definitely ready for some Mike and Alan at White’s Ferry Road, but it’s been a good substitute.
After church, we ran a few errands and ate lunch. Nothing too exciting. Then, on to home to get a little housework and homework done. 2 Papa finally got his rough draft off to his tutor, after all the internet trouble we had while traveling this past week, and rescheduled his tutoring session for this coming Friday. He’s looking forward to hearing what the tutor has to offer.
Tonight we went to another Evensong service at New College College (really, that’s the name) with Kelly. If you read yesterday’s blog, you know we went to an Evensong service last night as well. Evensong is the name of the service that is sung in many churches, chapels and cathedrals every evening throughout the year. This particular college began their Evensong service in 1489, so since that date an Evensong service has been held six nights of the week. We had to leave early last night, so tonight was pretty amazing getting to see the entire service. I promise, those little boys, and I do mean little, sound exactly like full grown women. Pretty amazing!
After church, we joined Kelly for dinner then on to hear some local musicians. It wasn’t a free-for- all Karaoke night, it was one where the acts are booked in to do three songs each. All the ones we heard were fantastic. It was a fun night.
Now, it’s getting late and I’m ready to pack for our trip to London to pick up Ryan. He leaves at 3:00 this afternoon and arrives in London at 9:30 Monday morning. We’re looking forward to a week with him. I will not take my computer to London tomorrow as we’re staying at the same hotel that gave us internet trouble last time, so I’ll catch up with you all later in the week.
I hope you all had a good Sunday and, for those who are students and teachers, enjoy sleeping in tomorrow and the rest of the week.
Photo above: I loved this. On a store door. Notice opening times for Saturday and Sunday. Pretty cute!
Today was definitely one of those days that would have been so easy to stay in and not join in the fellowship at church this morning. It was so rainy and cold and no one knows us anyway. In fact, we found ourselves debating it right up until time to rush out the door. But, as often happens, we would so glad we went and we so blessed listening to these young people who love the Lord sing praises and declare His name.
“Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness.” Psalms 34:9
Have a great evening.
Hugs, 2 Mama

1 comment:

  1. How great is this? This chapter in Psalms was where I turned for my Facebook scripture today.Didn't know we had found the same words until I read your blog tonight. It is so true. God inhabits the praise of His people and opens our hearts to His influence in our lives.
    Have a great week in London with your son. I pray God's hand of healing and blessing over you all. Love, Joneal
