Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Fifty-seven London Update Day

Happy Thanksgiving! I can just see all of you scurrying to the grocery store for last minute cans of mushroom soup, fresh fruit, bread, salad fixings... What fun!! How I will miss my mom’s dressing!!
I made my grocery run a few minutes ago and think I have enough stuff to pull off a fairly accurate Thanksgiving meal in England. I know this for sure, if the meal isn’t perfect, the Thanksgiving part will be. I am so thankful for the many blessings I have. In our worst of times, we are so blessed! We will be celebrating with about twelve other Americans and one British family. Since there will be no American football game to watch, we are showing an episode of Duck Commander that we brought with us. Oddly enough, everyone over here can’t wait! It should be fun.
London with Ryan was great. He was here about ten years ago and saw a lot of the tourist attractions at that time, so we didn’t have to repeat the places we went to with mom and John Luke. He got here on Monday around noon and was starving. Since our room wasn’t ready we stored our luggage and headed to another new restaurant! (I’m just saying, how can we still be finding NEW restaurants? Oh well, if it weren’t for all the walking I would be rolling Johnny off the plane in Monroe next week.) Back to London. After lunch we went back to our hotel and unloaded and let Ryan rest for a couple of hours, then we went to Piccadilly Circus for dinner and a fun night at Mama Mia. We were on the FRONT row, which I love. At one point the actors sat on the stage with their feet dangling right in front us. It was very cool. Five girls sat next to us and sang almost every word. It was fun to watch it with them and share their excitement.
The next day we boarded the tour bus and headed to Harrods, which is like a shopping Disneyworld. This “small” store occupies 4.5-acres and has over one million square feet of selling space in over 330 departments. That is larger than Pecanland Mall in Monroe in one store! It was decorated for Christmas which made it doubly, triplely, special. For the most part we kept our spending down and enjoyed just looking. Ryan played a piano that costs $110,000. (See photo above) He managed to play beautifully in spite of such a shabby instrument. HA! HA! Ryan and I went on to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum since he has never done that and 2Papa took the bags back to the hotel. (See photo above of Ryan and Brittany) That night we went to see Les Miserable. I’ve seen this musical three times and it is always mesmerizing. The music, the script, the message, everything…WOW!
That was it for our time in London. This morning we boarded the bus back to our home away from home. I quickly surveyed our pots and pans so I could cook tomorrow for Thanksgiving and discovered I had one pan. So while Ryan and 2Papa took the tour bus, I searched for foil disposable pans. I found them in the basement of a department store, not the grocery store. Who knew? Then we met Kelly for dinner, which was fun, and back to the flat to catch up on emails and write my blog. Now we’re all three typing away. My, how our ancestors would have marveled at our modern day activities!
Here’s wishing you all the best day of Thanksgiving days. Enjoy every second of excellent food and exceptional family time.
“With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD : "He is good; his love to Israel endures forever." And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.” Ezra 3:11
Thanksgiving Blessings to all.
Hugs, 2Mama

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