Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day Forty Mom and John Luke Are Gone Day

Mom and John Luke should be somewhere over the ocean heading back to the land where an “a” is pronounced like it sounds and not like “ah” and, unfortunately, where the “t” is changed to a “d.” Such as is “wah-ter” with a strong accent on the “t” in England is very simply “wader” in the southern states where we live (And y’all have had plenty of wader lately!). However, we’ve discovered that the UK has as many different accents as we do in America. We had a tour guide with just a slightly different sound to his speech and John Luke immediately said that he sounded Scottish. He wasn’t from Scotland, but was from northern England which gave him a different accent, closer to a Scot. It’s weird, but I’ve started thinking words in British, but still cannot speak with a British accent. I’ve read a few web links on the evolution of the British language to American language and as you can imagine there are many theories. But, certainly, we are a varied bunch of talkers, from New York City to New Orleans, most Americans can distinguish the area of origin just as Brits can.
Enough rambling on language. We already miss mom and John Luke. Well, I do anyway. 2 Papa might be ready to run around in his underwear again and stretch out in bed. But, I was very sad to hear the knock on the door as the taxi driver came on schedule at 10:00 this morning. Naturally, a little gloomy, I had to play an hour of cell phone solitaire to recover. 2 Papa went straight to the computer (I like to think that’s his therapy because he misses his family, but in truth, it’s just what he does as much as possible) to plan our next trip—Ireland. He’s been talking about Ireland since our first week in England, only to be disappointed today as he discovered that travel to this beautiful country was going to be too difficult to justify the trip over. Instead we’re going to Bath, England and on to Wales. I really do understand how all of us could give up an extra bathroom or a dishwasher, even a curling iron (okay, that would be hard), but to live without Google these days would be disastrous. It’s all about technology, isn’t it? Googling travel to Ireland, Bath, and Wales made our choice very clear. So we leave on Saturday, as this week is already booked with lectures and other things and we’ll return the following Thursday.
After my one hour solitaire-therapy session, I put the apartment back in order and we headed out for a late lunch. Of course, another new restaurant that 2 Papa spotted weeks ago was our destination. It was conveniently next door to the video rental store (note that I had been to the video store twice with JL and never noticed this restaurant, 2 Papa had walked that street once four weeks ago and catalogued it). Since we needed to get the latest Harry Potter to continue our movie-marathon, it really was perfect so I didn’t argue. You might be saying to yourself, “John Luke is gone, why are they still watching Harry Potter?” I confess--we’re now hooked ourselves. The author of these books has an incredible imagination and it’s been fun to recognize the different locations that are just a part of everyday Oxford life on the big screen. Well, now on our the small screen.
Friday night at formal dinner we were able to spend time with Justin and Sherry who are the Americans I’ve told you about who have been here almost four years. We talked about Thanksgiving again and I offered our flat, but Sherry has a house and was happy to have us over. I decided that I needed to start looking for specific ingredients knowing how difficult that can be. Top priority is canned sweet potatoes, which I understand are as rare as American peanut butter. No luck today. My plan is to make Luanne Watts’ incredible sweet potato casserole recipe, so I’ll have to keep searching. I did find the tiniest bag of brown sugar and an even tinier bag of walnuts (the recipe calls for pecans, but beggars can’t be choosy), so I’m off to a little start. I may end up at the covered market at Palm again or have Ryan and Pam bring some from home when they come over. (I’m sure they would love to pack three cans of sweet potatoes in their luggage, especially with the tight weight limit these days, but you do what you have to do! :))
Today is Will Robertson’s special day. He is our eight-year old grandson. Happy Birthday Will! I put Will’s picture above (with granddaugther Macy and all the grandsons)so you can see what a handsome young man he is.(Or, maybe, I put them on as part of my continuing therapy today.) He loves baseball, has beautiful hand-writing, is a remarkable reader, and loves music. He’s leaning toward the drums. (Can we say ear plugs for the rest of the family?) Will has a smile that lights up the room and he loves his friends. He has been a constant source of joy to us, as all our grandchildren are. Will, this verse is for you.
“Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.” I Timothy 6:11
Love you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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