Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day Thirty-nine Free Day

We promised John Luke a free day on Saturday and he held us to that promise. In fact, he stayed in his bed, as snug as a bug, until 3:30 this afternoon. Now, that’s a teen’s dream come true, isn’t it? He’s been reading a book that apparently didn’t get really good until around 1:00 this afternoon, then he couldn’t put it down. (Shhhh..Don’t tell his mom--I even brought him food in bed. After all, it’s a grandmother’s right to serve a grandchild, isn’t it? I’m sure he’ll take care of me one day. :)) He also didn’t feel well this morning. Who knows--it could be from drinking different water, or too many fish and chips, or simply museum overload. It was alarming when Mom made biscuits this morning and he didn’t feel like eating any. So, I gave him some Advil which helped his headache and by 3:30 he was ready to walk to the video store for our nightly fix of Harry Potter. We’re on number four tonight. He also needed some note cards for his homework. We were successful finding HP number four, but not the note cards, which didn’t seem to bother him too much. This HP episode has a scene shot in the quad of one of the colleges we toured, so we’re all eager to see it.
While John Luke read in bed, 2 Papa worked on his computer, mom made the biscuits, took a shower and read her book, and I alternated between the computer and cleaning the flat. We have done remarkably well in our little flat with all four of us pretty much right on top of each other. Mom only had one collapse of the rollaway bed and that was this morning. She recovered nicely from her burrito position and has been quite the trooper the entire week. We have no extra drawer space so she’s had to live out of her suitcase, which made packing tonight much easier (if you’re looking for a bright side). 2 Papa and I have shared one twin bed which means we’ve learned to roll over during the night with the precision of synchronized swimmers. We’ve also managed to coordinate our visits to the one small bathroom with no problems. It reminded me of the old days when all anybody had was one small bathroom. Whoops—that might sound a little like my dad’s stories of walking to school in the snow—uphill—both ways. Sorry.
Back to today--before we realized it the day was halfway over and 2 Papa was still Ashmolean-determined. John Luke was definitely not going to be talked into one more museum, but mom was a willing victim so off they went. It was very crowded, but they both loved the two of the five floors they made it to. I’m sure we will go later when it’s not so crowded and hit all five floors.
We made reservations at The Trout for dinner—our first meal with a reservation this week. The other meals have been great, but on the run. Tonight was nice and relaxing. John Luke had fully recovered and ordered sea bass with a crawfish and crabmeat risotto. (Korie, forget that I fed him in bed. Your bigger worry should be that MacDonald’s isn’t even in this radar anymore.)
Well, the blog is shorter tonight. You needn’t a break!! We’re going to pop Harry Potter in the machine and enjoy our last night together. John Luke just tried to change the TV channel with my cell phone. Maybe he's not well after all. :)
Enjoy a few more photos from our week together. There’s nothing like being with family.
“Blessed be God! He didn't leave you without family to carry on your life.” Ruth 4:4

Love you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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