Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day Nineteen Recovery Day

I hope everyone had a blessed Sunday. We had planned to go back to the church we attended two Sundays ago, but it was not to be. It seems that 2 Papa didn’t want to tell me he wasn’t feeling well as we headed out for our date with Kelly, but by the time we got in the taxi coming home, he confessed. After we got back to the flat, I sat down and started writing my blog and bragging about our fun night as 2 Papa went on to bed. Naturally, I just thought he was tired, since we truly never get to bed until about two in the morning. But this morning, at two, after I had been asleep for about thirty minutes, 2 Papa was calling for a trashcan. Let me just say, dodging the cow patties was easy compared to the rest of the night. I won’t go into any more detail, but remember, this is a very small apartment. Anything that’s unpleasant tends to linger and must be removed no matter what time of the day or night it is. I was in and out several times with a delivery to the can outside. 2 Papa has never mastered the “over the toilet” technique, preferring a trash can that has to be cleaned. But, I am not complaining. Just happy to be of service.
Back to sleep sometime after four and all was quiet. Thank you, God. I got up quietly about nine and played solitaire on my phone. Truly, this flat is pretty low maintenance, but I do have other things I do. I was just trying to let 2 Papa sleep as long as possible so I didn’t want to turn the lights on or the computer or the TV. The latter two come on with a loud musical sound and, of course, the lights come on… well, bright. So I completely wasted two hours, but I did win three times, which, by the way, is extremely hard to do. Thank you very much.
So, 2 Papa finally got up and pronounced himself fully recovered. By then it was 11:00, so he said he would take a shower and we would go look for PEANUT BUTTER. Yea!! While he was in the shower, I was so pumped I moved all the furniture around in the bedroom. No, I haven’t been lifting weights since I got here, the furniture is so light and the floor is tile, I can move the furniture around like it’s in a doll house. I love the new look. When 2 Papa got out of the shower, I got in. But, when I got out, 2 Papa was sound asleep again. This time I just worked on my editing job with a pen and paper thus accomplishing something.
To wind this up, 2 Papa woke up again, said he was well, and off we went. We didn’t get to town until 3:00 and everything closes at 5:00 so we still didn’t get peanut butter. Tomorrow for sure. But I did get a vanilla candle, just in case we have another rough night, one more hanger for the door, a fingernail file, and a hairbrush. Pretty nice haul.
Never one to let a little stomach issue keep him from eating, 2 Papa was ready for Pizza Hut, one of our favorite places here. They have the best salad bar and several veggi-pasta dishes. Needless to say, I was starving. I had stayed so quiet all day that I hadn’t eaten anything but a piece of toast while 2 pop was in the shower. 2 Papa is feeling great now and hopefully we’re passed whatever that was.
The feature photos today are of us in front of the Thames River and one of the beautiful thatch-roofed houses. The architecture here is so amazing. Anything from 1100 to today can be seen in one town. It’s quite remarkable and so hard to wrap your head around the talent of the people living in times when tools and machines were not even available. Incredible.
I wore my new boots today and have come to appreciate them so much more for the comfort they bring me, rather than their beauty. All shoes are now picked on “walkability” rather than beauty. Apparently, I haven’t walked a mile in my own shoes. They seem to work perfectly well from my bedroom to the car and then from the car to church or my office or even a short trip through WalMart. But a mile, that, my sisters, is another story. When you can walk a mile in your shoes and still be comfortable, you want to kiss them when you take them off at night. I haven’t, but I want to. When your feet don't hurt, you can accomplish so much more.
“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’" Romans 10:15
Talk later. Love you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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