Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day Twenty-three Nothing Day

Hey everyone. This has truly been a nothing kind of rainy day. I guess we all need these every now and then to appreciate the fun days we have or maybe to just slow down and rest a little. We worked until 3:00 this morning as I was determined to finish the book I’m editing. It was starting to lurk over me like a late term paper. I finished it, hooray, but still need to read it through one more time. I took a mental break from it today so I can give it a fresh look tomorrow. 2 Papa is hard at work on his book and now declares I’m his editor. I told him I don’t come cheap. :)
Speaking of rain: It’s rained all day so I’m feeling the pain of all who have toyed with the idea of building an ark lately. We walked to the college for lunch, which was our only outing today. Lunch at college is always good for some conversation about either the college or England. Today we learned that students apply to the university and put the college of their choice down on their entrance form. Then they are asked to come for an interview session at the individual colleges who decide to accept or deny them entrance. If one doesn’t take them, another might. So they don’t always get their first choice, like kids picking which cabin to be in at camp, but they get in. Just another interesting detail. I also got to visit with David, the young man from Scotland I met before our trip last week. I couldn’t resist and asked him if all the men in Scotland still own a kilt. At first, he said not everyone and then he said, yes, they probably do. He said a kilt is considered dress-up clothes for them, like when Americans wear a suit and bowtie (I think he means a tux). Also interesting. He’s a cute little guy.
Speaking of Scotland: Since our visit to Scotland, I’ve been Googling the movie Braveheart, curious about who William Wallace really was and the authenticity of movie. Surprise, surprise, it came on the Telly last night. It was pretty neat to watch it again and pay closer attention to the details. Of course, another chance to see Mel Gibson’s incredibly blue eyes is never a bad idea. Speaking of the Telly, as the Brits call it, it’s not the best choice for daily entertainment. Generally we’re lucky to find an old episode of Friends or Colombo, which I really did like when they came out 20 years ago! I will never complain about American TV programming again. Just to sum up the issues we have with the Telly. 1. There’s no rhyme or reason in the programming time. Some shows start at 7:00, others at 7:15, etc. 2. When a show breaks for a commercial, there’s apparently no thought to choosing a time in the program that makes a good break. All of a sudden, break. Crazy! 3. The news or talk shows are the same. No lead-in to a commercial break, just boom, a commercial. 4. The Tellys have parental locks, which is a good thing. Definitely not all shows are G rated. 5. Shows play over and over again, which I guess is good if you missed one the first ten times it came on. We don’t have much time to watch TV, which is good, but every now and then, I’m just saying, it would be nice to find Dancing with the Stars or anything released in 2009.
Speaking of the news: Joan Collins is making news over here. Remember her from the old Dynasty days. Apparently, she has decided to take it on herself to get the “frumpy” (her words, not mine, but good choice, Joan) older women into shape. She’s been on the news and in magazines telling women it’s time for them to get up from the Telly (I find it hard to believe one could find enough to watch to warrant weight gain and sloppiness, but I guess it’s possible) and away from the computers (okay, that’s reasonable) and take some pride in their looks. So I say, “Joan, you go girl!” At 76, she is “walking the walk” of glamour and looks fabulous. Wake up British women!
Well, not much of interest here today so I’ll let you get back to other things of more importance. Thanks for tuning in. The only photo today is 2 Papa putting his pants in his “ironing board” closet. I’ve given up and have now embraced his new closet. After all, it does make the real closet less crowded for me. If I need to iron, I guess I’ll clean it up then. For now, stack it high and sell it low, as Papaw Howard used to say in the discount days.
On one website about William Wallace, the writer was very forgiving of Mel Gibson’s portrayal of him saying that he stayed true to the facts that are known about Wallace, it’s just that so little is known. It would be unusual for much to be written about someone during that time period who was not a part of royalty. Wallace was a commoner. No one followed him around and recorded his life. What is known and respected by all of Scotland is William Wallace’s determination to stand up for what he believed to be right.
“With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.” I Corinthians 15:58
Have a great evening. Love you bunches and missing you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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