Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day Sixteen Ordinary Day

I’ve never been the sleep-in-late kind of girl. My kids, and now grandkids, always ask me if I used to sleep late on Saturday in high school or college and the answer is, not really. It’s not anything noble, like I’m incredibly self-disciplined and wake up and run five miles, then guzzle down a protein drink; it’s just me. If the sun peeks through, my eyes pop open like a doll with open and close mechanical eyes. Plus, for me, sleeping late is like watching a movie twice. Except for The Way We Were and Tombstone, it’s seems to be a waste of valuable time. But, over here, life is different. While we stay up fairly late at home and are used to late hours, over here it’s ridiculous. With the six hour time difference, I watch the clock until 10:00pm when I know my grandkids are home from school and soon the SKPE-video phone begins to ring. Then I get to watch Ally do a backbend and Will make a funny face and Macy tell us about the boy down the street who cusses and Aslyn show us what a seven-year-old’s mouth looks like with no teeth, and more other fun stuff from the rest of the kids. Then the parents catch us up with other news. It’s a fantastic and never-dreamed-possible time of communication with those we love thousands of miles away. Usually, at midnight we sign off. Only, by then we’re a bit wired and continue to read or work until two or three in the morning. So, Sadie, listen up. Your 2 mama slept until eight-thirty this morning!
By nine, I was engrossed in the book I’m editing. Just twenty pages left and, put a fork in it, that job will be done! (Only six more projects to check off my list before returning home.) By ten, 2 Papa took off for the grocery store and a walk. Knowing we would have to catch up on our work, we had told the good folks at the college we wouldn’t be back on the grounds until Friday. So we had the day to ourselves. I stopped working at noon and we started the job of booking hotels, musicals, and bus tours for our upcoming visit from my mom and John Luke and later a trip from Ryan and Pam. I am so excited!!
It literally took us all afternoon to complete this job. We had both computers going like we worked at Monroe Travel Agency and we went back and forth comparing prices and dates and times. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE! I think I actually told 2 Papa, at one particularly frustrating point, that he wasn’t the boss of me. Of course, he laughed and didn’t see the seriousness of my situation. But, really, everyone; put yourself in a small room with Johnny, the master thinking of all things possible, and try to work out three days in London and five days in Oxford that would entertain and educate everyone mentioned above. I knew you would sympathize with me.
One more thing on the flat-living front. For two weeks now we have asked the owner to fix our mini-blinds that do not close all the way. Two of them leave about one foot of window showing. This is driving 2 Papa crazy. The owner promised to would have the job done when we got home from Scotland, but we walked in last night and saw straight out to the yard behind us. Forgetting that for a minute, I decided to open the rollaway bed to be sure we would all fit in our flat when mom and John Luke visit. All was going nicely and I felt great about my little plan for all of us to stay in our flat, so we don’t lose a minute of visiting time. But when I sat down on the bed, it folded up on me like I was a taco. 2 Papa helped me up and we discovered it wasn’t locked, so once we locked it, we declared it safe for anyone to sleep on it. In fact, 2 Papa decided it was strong enough for him to stand on it while he took the matter of the mini-blinds in his own hands. I gave my dutiful warning and walked away from sure disaster. Almost immediately, I heard an awful crash. 2 Papa was still standing, but he had broken straight through three wooden slats that made the base of the bed. More repair work was needed. :)
I think we need to get back to the college! And fast! Fun photo of the day—me and Nessie.
Today was an ordinary day—no sightseeing or spa or dinners out. Here’s what God says to do with our ordinary days, which really are the best, aren’t they?
“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.” Romans 12:1
Love you all. Hugs,
2 Mama

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