Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day Eleven Travel Day

Hello from Edinburgh, Scotland! It’s hard to believe that we left one country and entered another one in one day. We left, by train, this morning at 10:30 and arrived at 4:30. 2 Papa was so worried that we would miss our train that he insisted we go early. I told him that it wasn’t like the airport, but he wasn’t going to take a chance. So after going to bed very late last night, we got up early, finished packing, walked to the bus stop, rode the bus into town, got off the bus, walked further to the train station (see photo above-notice all the bikes) and found our way to our loading dock. 2 Papa asked a young attendant what we should do now (since we were an hour and a half early!) and the polite young man said, “You’re a bit early. Why don’t you go into Oxford and have a look around.” I would love to tell you that I handled that with kindness and in the most Christian wife sort of way…..but I would be lying.
At 10:20 we walked through the turn style, excited to begin our adventure. We had two suitcases, one carry on size and one large size. We had already lugged them a good distance and were ready to put them in a rack and enjoy our trip. But, the trains are very streamline with one small area per car for suitcases. It was already full, so for about two hours the large suitcase was stuffed beneath 2 Papa’s feet and his knees were up to his chin. The smaller one and my purse were stuffed under me. We had one change-over, so we hoped the next train was more accommodating, but no. My turn this time--large suitcase stuffed under my seat and knees in the chin for four more hours. But, the view, although speeding by, was amazing--lots of hills, valleys, cows, and sheep. Once we arrived, we had to walk up a steep incline the length of one block and down two more streets to our hotel. About now, the geriatric bus tour was looking pretty good.
Our hotel is amazing. We haven’t learned the history behind it, but we will. It looks like a huge castle and our room is beautiful. You can see from the photo how tall the ceilings are. Unbelievable! Jeremy and Bobby Stokes would be short in this room. Or at least normal. The drapes have an unbelievable amount of fabric in them. Scarlet could have made some kind of fancy dress with these drapes.
We headed straight to the streets before it got dark and gathered up tourist information. 2 Papa is scouring the brochures now, making our plans for the next three days. I’ve heard mumblings of castles, northern Scotland and the Loch Ness monster. What?? Is that really true?? I’ll let you know.
Dinner was at an Italian restaurant recommended by the America girl working at the Hard Rock Café. It was great. The weather is the same as Oxford for now—around 55 degrees. No rain predicted for tomorrow—keep your fingers crossed. We’ll hit the ground running.
When we walked off the train, we were immediately stunned at the beauty of Scotland. God, once again, has charmed us with His creation.
“Bravo, God, Bravo! Everyone join in the great shout: Encore! In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might.” Psalm 96:7
Have a great weekend. Love you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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