Friday, October 23, 2009

Day Twenty-four Finished Project Day!

One more day of total work!! Not even a walk to the college for lunch. We just warmed up last night’s noodles, made a salad, and kept right on working. BORING! But, the result is rewarding. My editing job is over and sent to the author. Boy, does that feel good!
However, I did learn some things while working today. I never like to waste a day so, here’s my Top 10 Lessons from the Desk Side of Life.
1. No matter what country you’re in, the minute you are deep in thought, someone will crank up a leaf blower right outside your window.
2. No matter how good graham crackers are or how much you paid for them, in the end, they’re just really dry crackers.
3. No matter how loud you type, the music from next door is louder.
4. No matter how small something is, if it has to go with a computer, it can make you feel completely stupid, like a tiny, purple memory stick with even tinier directions.
5. No matter how many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you have, they still taste good.
6. No matter how many words I say, 2 Papa has more. More on this later.
7. No matter if a chair has a built-in cushion, eventually you need to add an extra pillow. Ouch!
8. No matter if you just ate peanut butter, graham crackers, and an orange, sheer boredom makes you think you’re hungry.
9. No matter what scent the candle says on it, sometimes they don’t really smell that good.
10. No matter how much you love someone, it is possible to spend too much time together.
Just some random thoughts that may help you in your desk-life future.

Now more on 2 Papa’s words. Every counselor at every marriage retreat we have ever attended (trust me, we've made the rounds) have said that men need to listen to their wives at the end of every day because they, by nature, have more words in them and need to get them out. From the first marriage class we attended, I knew that the opposite is true in our case. In fact, our first retreat, at a very young and impressionable age, I honestly thought no one could think of as much to say after a single lecture as 2 Papa did. He has plenty of words and, on top of that, he’s missing the little thing in your brain that says, “Don’t say that.” It’s really not much of a problem, because I love him and don’t mind his ramblings, so I thought you might enjoy a sample. Keep in mind, that I was fully engrossed in completing my project, which never seems to matter either. Here you go. Enjoy.
“Chryssy, do you want me to read what I wrote? You’ll hate it.” Said after he had just read me his other six versions.
“What’s another word for ‘normal people’?” Said with his hair sticking straight up and sitting in his underwear and black socks.
“Oh, no. I just sent something to a non-address!” Said in complete panic. Something he does quite often.
“How do you spell ‘should’?” Said with 20 Pringles spewing out of his mouth.
“If I ate what you ate and did what you did, do you think I would look like you?” Said after 20 Pringles spewed out of his mouth.
Well, that’s just a sample of what my day in England is like with 2 Papa sitting across from me. It has the makings of great reality TV, don’t you think? I do have to add, he has the best sense of humor and probably laughed harder than anyone while reading this blog.
Tonight is chapel and Formal Hall, so soon we’ll have to get up and get dressed. Yes, more proof that there is a God who know my needs!
I hope you all have a great weekend. Our plans for tomorrow include a trip to the famous Trout Pub for dinner with Kelly and more walking and sight-seeing. I’ll let you know what we discover in tomorrow’s blog. (You can almost bet it will be over 500 years old.)
In all seriousness, I have loved my work editing this Bible study I’ve been working on. It’s kept me in the word daily and challenged my life as I’ve had to study harder to teach others. Take some time today to read at least one verse and spend a few minutes thinking about it. God will reveal something great to you.
“Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I've got— Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation. God's works are so great, worth a lifetime of study—endless enjoyment! Splendor and beauty mark his craft; His generosity never gives out.” Psalm 111:1.
Photo today, just more of Oxford beauty from the top of a building.
Love to you all.
Hugs, 2 Mama

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